Zhongwen Bu Mafan! — Exploratory

Get your students excited about Chinese by helping them actually acquire the basics!

The Zhongwen Bu Mafan! exploratory package gives access to Module 1 of the Zhongwen Bu Mafan curriculum. Great for short-term “taster” classes, programs where the first year of language provides several different languages, or for situations where teachers only see students for a very limited number of hours. A series of carefully graded input experiences leads to a long reading in Chinese characters.

Grammar: yes-no questions (with “ma” and V bu V patterns), negation, question words, causal clauses with “because”, adjectival modification of nouns, stative verbs, locative “Zai”. Vocabulary focus is on the Super 7 verbs and words related to eating, allowing easy use of loanwords or English names of foods.

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Zhongwen Bu Mafan! -- Exploratory – Payment $49.00
Total $49.00

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